شكرا جزيلا لك

5 stars

Date: May 2, 2022


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • شكرا جزيلا لك


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Saudi Arabia, Mr.Abdulmajeed Alharbi


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • Nexus 5


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • اشكرك على الخدمة الرائعة التي تقدمها .. تعامل رائع وشحن سريع جدا .. لقد اخبرت اصداقائي في منتدى متخصص بالشراء عن الخدمة التي تقدمها .. شكرا مرة اخرى


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Mr.Abdulamajeed,Thank you very much for using our service and feedback!We got many customers from Saudi Arabia after you posted in the forum !Thank you again for your recommendation !شكرا جزيلا لاستخدام خدماتنا وردود الفعل!وصلنا العديد من العملاء من المملكة العربية السعودية بعد نشرها في منتدى!أشكركم مرة أخرى على التوصية الخاصة بك!Best Regards,Ninja J


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limited edition

I was looking all over the world for a limited edition helmet. I searched websites for america, Europe, south africa …

Superb service! (3)

Superb service, fast communication on both initial request and shipping updates. Reasonable charges for the effort. Will definitely …

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It is my first time using their service and I find it great, I will use their service for buying …

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