LOEWE A basket bag with a refreshing atmosphere. A cool bag with natural leather handles and patches on a carefully woven body made from raffia. The distinctive leather handle is an eye-catching finish. The leather patch on the front is embossed with a large brand logo to add glamor to a simple bag.
* Due to the nature of the material, this product may have slight errors in size and color.
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* The list price is the suggested retail price (tax included) of the importer.
* Since this product is a parallel import product, some accessories may not be attached even if the product has an accessory description.
Please be aware of this before purchasing.
Date available on Amazon.co.jp: 2020/4/7
ASIN: B086TY982P
Manufacturer Reference: A223S92X0400592163
Division: Ladies
Size: Vertical 25 x Horizontal 29 (bottom) 40 (maximum width) x gusset 10 cm Handle: 45.2 to 53.2 cm (interval: 7 cm) Weight: 430 g
Color: NATURAL / WHITE (metal fittings: silver)
Specifications: Open / Close: Open Country of origin: Spain
Included: With brand storage bag