Date: January 14, 2023
Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title
- 高度推薦
Where are you from, and what’s your name?
- Canada, Vincent Wong
What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?
- Air Massager
Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service
- 高度高度高度高度高度高度高度高度推薦 Ninja J 的服務。交易已多次,毎次都是快捷回覆,價格合理 (Ninja會嘗試先找最便宜的貨品),收費便宜,準時寄遞,包裝安全,貨眞價實,童叟無欺,無論貨多貨少,服務相同。如此優質服務,就只有Ninja J莫屬。
Thanks so much Ninja J. I appreciated so much for the gift wrap, it’s so nice & warmhearted. You’re so きちょうめんな, そんなにありがとう.
From Personal Shopper Japan
- Mr.Vincent,Thank you for using our service and feedback many times !Hope you like your item and we are happy to serve you again in near future !Thank you,Ninja J