Another Brilliant Experience

5 stars

Date: August 27, 2023


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • Another Brilliant Experience


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Earth (Proxy Shopping), Mr F


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • Miscelaneous


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • Ninja J en zijn Shopper Team hebben mij ook deze keer weer uitstekend geholpen. Niet alleen hebben ze mijn “items” besteld, ze hebben ook geholpen met het zoeken naar een moeilijk te vinden action figure.
    Ik heb deze service al verschillende keren gebruikt en kom ook zeker weer terug.
    Ninja & Shopper Team, hartstikke bedankt voor al jullie hulp en tot de volgende keer!

    Mr. F.


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Mr.F,Thank you for using our service and feedback.We are happy to serve you again in near future !In most cases, our customers will return and order new items to us, and most customers says that they tried other service but considering cost, quality, speed, they are saying we are No.1,that’s why we can serve many customers so far, and growing bigger day by day from beginning, in year 2011.Still remember our first customer’s request was Seesaa (popular statue of Okinawa prefecture) from Ms.T.unfortunately, we couldn’t process the order, because of budget limitation of Ms.T.But we also remember that she said “Thank you very much for your explanation and answering every question, I’ll get back to you when I’m ready”And after 3 months later, Ms.T ordered Seesaa through our service.It was a very good experience, that we can share our minds together with customers without seeing face to face, only e-mails.Only some e-mails motivate someone, make happier someone, and this is one of the reason we are feeling human’s joy of life.We’ll keep up good work with this experience, and do the best for customers.Thank you very much,Ninja J


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Customer Reviews

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