Bestilling fra udlandet

5 stars

Date: August 4, 2023


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • Bestilling fra udlandet


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Denmark, Camilla Nielsen


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • Tallerkner


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • Jeg har benyttet dette firma 2 gange, og har været fuldt ud tilfreds begge gange.
    Jeg har sendt bestilling, hurtigt modtaget opkrævning via paypal, og så snart firmaet har modtaget varerne er de blevet sendt til mig hurtigt efter betaling af portoen. Varerne har været pakket godt og sikker begge gange, og er fremkommet hurtigt derefter.
    Kan varmt anbefale


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Ms.Camilla,Thank you very much for using our service and feedback.It was pleasure to do business with you, smooth communication and precise instructions.Thank you again for new request, soon we can repack all items and send to you again.Thank you very much,Ninja J


You can buy Luxury Brand Watches safely and ship securely through Personal Shopper Japan buying service.

Please let us know which item do you need, then we can send you the quote and you can start the secured shopping.

Customer Reviews

Fast and efficient

At first, I was a bit hesitant to use this website services to get an item from amazon jp for …


Devo dire che poco tempo fa sono stato in Giappone e questo viaggio m’ha fatto scoprire persone meravigliose…..i ragazzi che …

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