buy from mercari, fril, rakuma

We can buy from mercari with some additional charge (+1500 YEN)

p2p sites, such as mercari, fril (name changed to rakuma), are sometimes troublesome, so we need additional cost to handle buying requests for these sites.

Please let us know if you had any mercari items in mind.

You can buy Luxury Brand Watches safely and ship securely through Personal Shopper Japan buying service.

Please let us know which item do you need, then we can send you the quote and you can start the secured shopping.

Customer Reviews

Awesome Service (2)

I was skeptical as I wanted to ship food from Japan and there are many things that could go wrong. …


Although the item was unsuccessfully shipped out due to Japan’s national regulations, i obtained a full refund and Ninja J …

Thank you very much 2

senang berkomunikasi dan response yang sangat cepat
Barang sampai dengan keadaan yg baik. Cara pembungkusan yang sangat cermat. Terima Kasih …

Best shopping experience

Really it was a nice, safe and smooth shopping experience and i will definitely recommend this to everyone.
Thanks Ninja 😉 …


Personal Shopper J was extremely helpful in letting me order from custom products from a Japanese printer. If I had …

Best Service Available

Ninja J was incredibly helpful with helping me get my items, showed me which websites to use to find the …

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