(Cartier) Cartier Trinity ring XS 12.5 number K18YGPGWG Used

¥ 43,200

Japan size 12.5 number (notation eurosize 50) ※ Because the size is being corrected it is different from the mark size. Correct marks are inconspicuous when worn.
Ring width each about 0.2 cm
Weight 4.6 g
Material 750 Yellow gold × white gold × Pink gold
attached body, external box

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Todo perfecto: enviado con prontitud, bien empaquetado y muy atentos, con una gran comunicación a la hora de resolver problemas. …

Helpfull service

Thank you so much for all your help in getting thae items home from Japan to my home country – …

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La communication par e-mail est très claire, constante et attentive. On a pris le temps de s’informer à la source …

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Excellent service, very prompt with replying to emails and shipping the item to me. Am very satisfied with them. …

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