Date: April 26, 2022
Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title
- Excellent!! 海外留学生的福音!
Where are you from, and what’s your name?
- France, Sindy
What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?
- Final Fantasy 14 OST with exclusive bonus
Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service
- 我是一名在欧洲却又经常邮购日本商品的留学生,以前经常会遇到想要的店铺特典不提供海外邮寄的情况。在网上几经搜索和比较之后我找到了Ninja J的代购服务,价格相比起同行来很公道,而且沟通过程中回复超级超级快,我所有的问题都得到了非常准确利落的解答!预订商品到货后也非常及时地通知到我,付款和付运手续都非常顺利。今后的代购订单就都拜托Ninja J了!下一单大概会是Animate吧>w
From Personal Shopper Japan
- Ms.Sindy, 感谢您使用我们的服务和反馈! 希望你喜欢你的项目,我们会为下订单再次做到最好! 谢谢! 忍者ĴMs.Sindy,Thank you for using our service and feedback !hope you like your item and we’ll do our best again for next orders !Thank you !Ninja J