Land Rover Defender Introduces Limited Edition of 390 Easner Editions 【News】 – webCG

Land Rover Defender Easner Edition

Land Rover Defender Easner Editionmagnification

On April 13, 2023, Jaguar Land Rover Japan launched a special edition Easner Edition for Land Rover’s full-scale Defender SUV. On the same day, the company started accepting orders.

The Land Rover Defender Easner Edition is a limited edition model set exclusively for the Japan market, and is available in all models: the 2-door short-body “90”, the 4-door standard body “110”, and the 4-door long-body “130”. A total of 390 units were sold.

The name of the car is EASTNOR, which is a British place name, where the Land Rover Experience Centre, a test course with an area of about 5,000 acres, is located. Land Rover describes it as “a sanctuary where engineers test the performance of their vehicles and where Land Rover is born, even on all terrain.”

The vehicle features a full range of features, including “satin protective film” that protects the exterior from minor scratches, matrix LED headlamps, and air suspension pack as standard. There are two body colors, “Santorini Black” and “Eiger Gray”, and “Ebony” and “Acorn” are available for interior colors.

The main special features and specifications are as follows.

Black Exterior Pack (90 and 130 only)
Extended Black Exterior Pack (110 only)
Satin Protective Film
Roof (same color as the body. Only 110 with Santorini Black body color. 90 and 130 have the same body color as standard)
Contrast roof (black. Only 90 and 130 body colors are Eiger Gray. The 110 has a contrast roof as standard.)
Matrix LED Head with Signature Daytime Running Lamp
Premium LED headlamps with signature daytime running lamps. Only 130 with Santorini Black body color)
20-inch “Style 5095” alloy wheels (gloss dark gray. Contrast Diamond Turned Finish)
Head-up display
12-way electric front seats with heating, memory and 2-way manual headrests
Heated washer nozzle, headlamp power wash, steering wheel (with heating)
Cold Climate Pack – Windscreen (with heating)
Air Suspension Pack – Electronic Air Suspension, Adaptive Dynamics (90, 110 only)
Wi-Fi connection with data plan

The vehicle specifications, sales volumes, and prices are as follows.

Base model: Defender 90 SE P300

Body color: Santorini Black

Seat (interior): Ebony grain leather seat facing (Ebony interior)

Sales volume: 40 units

Price: 9,079,000 yen

Base model: Defender 90 SE P300

Body color: Eiger gray

Seat (interior): Acorn grain leather seat facing (Lunar interior)

Number of units sold: 10 units

Price: 9,222,000 yen

Base model: Defender 110 X-DYNAMIC SE D300

Body color: Santorini Black

Seat (interior): Ebony/Ebony Grain Leather & Robastech Seat Facing (Ebony Interior)

Sales volume: 250 units

Price: 11,002,000 yen

Base model: Defender 110 X-DYNAMIC SE D300

Body color: Eiger gray

Seat (interior): Acorn/Luna grain leather & Robastech seat facing (Luna interior)

Sales volume: 50 units

Price: 11,002,000 yen

Base model: Defender 130 SE D300

Body color: Santorini Black

Seat (interior): Ebony grain leather seat facing (Ebony interior)

Headlamp: Matrix LED

Sales volume: 8 units

Price: 11.88 million yen

Base model: Defender 130 SE D300

Body color: Santorini Black

Seat (interior): Ebony grain leather seat facing (Ebony interior)

Headlamp: Premium LED

Unit sold: 22 units

Price: 11,769,000 yen

Base model: Defender 130 SE D300

Body color: Eiger gray

Seat (interior): Acorn grain leather seat facing (Lunar interior)

Number of units sold: 10 units

Price: 12,023,000 yen


Related Keywords:
Land Rover, Auto News

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