Louis Vuitton Card Case LOUIS VUITTON Business Card Holder Amberop Cult de Visit Damier Graffit N63338 [並行輸入品]

“Amberop Cult de Visit” with a slim and sophisticated impression using Damier Graffit canvas. It fits neatly in any pocket or bag, and the snap closure allows you to safely carry your credit card.
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No
Date available on Amazon.co.jp: 2017/1/13
Manufacturer Reference: N63338
Division: Men’s

Material: Damier Graffit Canvas
Color: Damier Graffit
Size: (width x height x town) 10.5 x 8.3 x 2.1 cm
Specifications: Card pocket, gusseted compartment, snap button closure
Condition: Unused item, Accessories: Storage bag

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