Mixable fountain pen bottle ink “STORiA MiX” Your own original color: J-CAST Trend[Full text display]

Sailor Jentle Blue will release “Bottle Ink for Fountain Pen STORiA MiX” on March 10, 2022.

Lineup of 8 colors and special thin liquid

Lineup of 8 colors and special thin liquid

Lineup of 8 colors and special thin liquid

Lineup of 8 colors

You can enjoy color mixing, which was not possible with the conventional fountain pen pigment bottle ink “STORiA”. The lineup consists of eight colors: red, pink, blue, purple, green, yellow green, yellow, and orange. In addition, we prepared a special thinning liquid that widens the range of ink mixing “lightly and brightly”. You can make your own original color ink. A limited number of kits that are convenient for mixing colors are also on sale.

The price is 1650 yen for STORiA MiX 20ml, 1100 yen for the special thin liquid, and 1100 yen for the color mixing kit. All include tax.

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