Optional Services

There're many optional services available for your requests.

Please let us know if you need other special handling services.
We'll do our best to fulfill your needs.

You don't need optional services usually. Most of the case, 10% standard charge only.

Optional Services

No. Optional Services Service detail and additional charges
1 Pre-Order Charge Order Pre-order items for you. 1500 YEN per item(within around 30 days) for over 30 days, there will be an additional cost, depends on the item price and how long till the release date.
2 Customs Declaration Modification 1000 YEN per 1 box. We can declare as you say, for example, declare lower value for your items. Please note that insurance can cover till the declared value.
3 COD payment Buy Cash On Delivery items for you. +1500 YEN per store
4 Bank wire transfer payment Buy with bank wire transfer payment. +1500 YEN per store
5 Buy from P2P sites Buy from mercari / rakuma / otamart. +1500 YEN per listing
6 Ask questions to the seller Depends on what question you would like, but around + 1000 YEN.
7 Staff Travelling Charge Travel cost charges will be applied if staff is required to physically go to the store/department to purchase your goods. Staff Travel charge = Start from 5000 YEN, depends on the place, date, how many items, items price. Buying in concert venue will be different cost, because not just travel, but have to be in the queue and buy the items, and we have to set schedule along with concert schedule time table. (around over 20000 YEN per 1 concert)
8 Many Items Charge Buy many items (around 8 items.) will need additional cost,because human must check all items are OK / repack requires additional time. (depends on item price. for Cheaper items, many items charge will be higher than expensive items.) around + 1000 YEN (dependent upon item price, quantity)
9 Ticket Reservations / Purchases Tickets are hard to find sometimes and need to go to the convenience store to issue/purchase these tickets. Also, time schedule is tight sometimes, so we have to handle these requests with high priority. Therefore, we will need to add a 3000 YEN charge for ticket requests. start from 3000 YEN per request, depends on tickets/requests. Ticket Reservations / Purchases + ticket distributor's charge
10 Special Other special items (custom-made items/adult items / big items etc…) will incur additional charges. Please ask about these charges when you place your request. custom made item Adult item
11 limited item (1 person can buy 1 pc) Depends on how hard to buy the item, but around + 2000 YEN
12 time certain service When you have to buy at certain time, we can prepare staff for buying the item. Depends on when we have to buy the item, but around +4000 YEN
13 enter lottery We can enter lottery for you with additional cost (depends on which lottery will it be)
14 digital data handling Buy digital data (ex. Game ID, Special Code, Game Gems)
15 Take Picture of the Item 500 YEN per 1 picture Take picture of the item and send it to you (digital data)
16 Quick Handling Quick handling: +1500 YEN per 1 request Usually, it takes around 3-5 days to ship out the item after we’ve received your item, but we’ll handle your item quickly and repack / ship within few days. (only available for normal items)
17 Add Extra Packaging 300 – +1000 YEN per 1 item Add more bubble wrap, padding/foam for protection (our standard packaging is already adequate but extra protection is added for some heavier items)
18 Add item after request closed Add another item after you've paid the cost for purchase.


We cannot ship the following items: Prohibited Items

Perfume Fragrance Sprays Hair Colors Nail Gels Lighter Model Gun Zippo (we can ship outside case only) Living things Optional Services