Respon Cepat dan Memuaskan

Date: April 27, 2023


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • Respon Cepat dan Memuaskan


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Jakarta Indonesia, Wiwi


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • MyCoal Onpacks for shoes & socks


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • Responnya cepat banget, dan service memuaskan.

    Ud muter2 nyari barang semua OS pake Bahasa Jepang, untung aja ketemu si Ninja ini.Semua jadi beres deh, gak pake repot.

    Terima kasih untuk pelayanannya.


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Ms.Wiwi,Thank you for using our service and feedback !Hope you like your items !Thank you !Ninja J


You can buy Luxury Brand Watches safely and ship securely through Personal Shopper Japan buying service.

Please let us know which item do you need, then we can send you the quote and you can start the secured shopping.

Customer Reviews

Good website

I purchased a japan product through this website. Very easy to use and confidence and satisfied. I would like to …

servicio bueno y economico

Compré un par de peluches de Rurouni Kenshin que solamente vendían en los cines en japón al exhibir la segunda …

so happy with my purchase

i bought several times through personalshoppersjapan and i am always delighted with their service. fast, professional and they care about …

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