Spin Fit Ocharaku

Date: December 2, 2022


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • Spin Fit Ocharaku


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Indonesia, Peter Rahardja


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • Spin Fit silicon tips


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • pesanan baru tiba
    Japan to Indonesia EMS = 4 Hari .. Sept 19 ~ Sept 23
    Service Memuaskan, Komunikasi by email Cepat Tanggap
    Sangat membantu u.beli brng di Jepang; saya sangat Puas
    Thanks for your Help


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Mr.Peter,There’s many high quality audio items in Japan.Some makers are making really sophisticated item in Japan, and we are happy to provide all over the world !terima kasih banyak !Thank you for using our service !!Ninja J


You can buy Luxury Brand Watches safely and ship securely through Personal Shopper Japan buying service.

Please let us know which item do you need, then we can send you the quote and you can start the secured shopping.

Customer Reviews

شكرا جزيلا لك

اشكرك على الخدمة الرائعة التي تقدمها .. تعامل رائع وشحن سريع جدا .. لقد اخبرت اصداقائي في منتدى متخصص بالشراء …


I was desperate for this purse! my last shopping service failed to get to me on time and the item …

praktis dan efisien!

Terima kasih Ninja J untuk bantuannya.membeli barang2 dari situs jepang jadi jauh lebih mudah,servisnya praktis and efisien!highly recommended:) …

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