Date: January 3, 2023
Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title
- Thank you for the great services!
Where are you from, and what’s your name?
- Singapore, Yvonne Kwan
What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?
- 演唱會門票等
Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service
- 忍者Ĵ給我的印象是樂於助人,耐心的風格。總是把顧客的利益放在第一位。很欣賞忍者Ĵ進行服務的方式和幫助顧客的熱情。 忍者Ĵ總是不猶豫地加倍努力為顧客提供服務與誠意和善意。我感到非常榮幸能認識她,很想表達我感恩的心。 謝謝你!希望以後能多多請你幫忙!(^-^)♡
From Personal Shopper Japan
- Ms.Yvonne,Thank you very much for using our service and feedback !We really hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Japan, and we are always available to you !Thank you,Ninja J