Date: December 13, 2022
Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title
- Un sogno s’avvera!
Where are you from, and what’s your name?
- Italy, Simone
What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?
- Transformers G1 Sparkdash – Japanese exclusive
Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service
- L’efficienza del servizio di Personalshopper mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta! Il nostro Ninja J è super-cordiale, risponde subito alle email, compatibilmente con il fuso orario, compila la bolla della dogana come volete voi e, soprattutto, spedisce con una rapidità impressionante! Ho ricevuto un pacchetto in 3 giorni lavorativi!
Ad una cifra ridicola mi sono accaparrato due Transformers G1 esclusivi per il mercato giapponese, gli Sparkdash Jabile e Guzzle, che altrove costano un occhio della testa, se li trovate!
Grazie ancora :))
From Personal Shopper Japan
- Ms.Simone,Thank you very much for using our service and feedback !There’s many rare and interesting items in Yahoo Auction in Japan.It’s a huge market, but almost all of the seller won’t sell to foreigner, also communication is required to the seller,as most of them are individual person. But, we can buy for you, and send to you.We are happy to serve you again in near future if you found good one in Auction market !Thank you !Ninja J