The Service provided by Personal Shopper Japan involves acting on behalf of all customers’ requests to purchase item(s) and/or render services via internet auctions, online shops, and retail stores in Japan. We then deliver the purchased items to the customer.
Personal Shopper Japanは、お客様の依頼に基づいてインターネットオークション、オンラインショップ、メルカリやヤフーオークションなどのP2Pサイト、そして日本国内の小売店などの実店舗で商品を購入し、購入した商品をお客様に確実にお届けするサービスを提供いたします。
Personal Shopper Japan is not a party to the carriage contract entered into with a carrier for the delivery of an item. Therefore, Personal Shopper Japan bears no responsibility whatsoever for any loss suffered due to non-delivery, delay, or damage to the item during transit.
Personal Shopper Japanは、商品の配送契約に関してキャリアと契約を結ぶ当事者ではありません。したがって、配送中の未着、遅延、または損傷による損失について、Personal Shopper Japanは一切の責任を負いません。
For accidents during postage, all costs, charges, fees, and taxes that may accrue before and after the shipment is made are to be borne by the customer.
The customer hereby grants authority to Personal Shopper Japan to enter into a postage contract in the customer’s name.
お客様は、Personal Shopper Japanに対して、お客様の名義で配送契約を締結する権限を付与するものとします。
In case of any dispute or fraudulent action / P2P trasaction, our company will try to contact the auction seller. If the problem is not resolved, we will file a complaint with the auction website and inform you of the results.
If you are not satisfied and wish to pursue your claim through the judicial process, we may help you locate a local attorney. Note that all legal disputes arising from an auction transaction will be handled in a court located in Japan, and you will bear all costs of such a process.
After Personal Shopper Japan has purchased the item requested by the customer, Personal Shopper Japan cannot accept order cancellations.
Personal Shopper Japanが顧客の依頼に基づいて商品を購入した後は、注文のキャンセルを受け付けることができません。
Japanese law shall govern the Terms of Service and separate terms. If any dispute arises in relation to the Terms of Service or the separate terms, Yokohama District Court shall be the agreed exclusive jurisdictional court of the first hearing.
Personal Shopper Japan is responsible for purchasing and delivering items specified by a customer and is not responsible for describing received items, defect liabilities, or other seller-based demands.
Personal Shopper Japanは、お客様が指定した商品の購入および配送に責任を負いますが、受け取った商品の説明、欠陥責任、その他の出品者に基づく要求については責任を負いません。
Personal Shopper Japan is not affiliated with any of the auction sites, subsidiaries, or other companies mentioned on this website.
Personal Shopper Japanは、本ウェブサイトに記載されているオークションサイト、子会社、その他の企業とは提携していません。
Please ensure that the item is really what you are looking for before sending a request to us.
After the items have arrived at our warehouse, we may inspect/check the items to verify the contents. At this time, we might remove or add packaging if we judge it necessary.
Personal Shopper Japan will perform a check/verification of the items to ensure there is no apparent discrepancy between the items received and the description of the items stated by the seller. The item description refers only to the text written by the seller and does not include the result of the automatic translation.
Personal Shopper Japanは、受け取った商品と出品者による商品説明との間に明らかな不一致がないことを確認するために基本的なチェック/検証を行います。商品説明は出品者が記載したテキストのみを指し、自動翻訳の結果は含まれません。
Personal Shopper Japan cannot conduct verification of details that were not included in the item description, or verification that requires specialist item knowledge such as brand authenticity.
Personal Shopper Japanは、商品説明に含まれていない詳細や、ブランドの真贋のような専門的な知識を必要とする検証を行うことはできません。
If, as a result of the verification process, Personal Shopper Japan finds that the actual items are clearly different from the details in the item description of the seller, Personal Shopper Japan will negotiate with the seller of the items on behalf of the customer for the return of the items, and may request a possible refund.
検証の結果、実際のアイテムが出品者の説明と明らかに異なる場合、Personal Shopper Japanは顧客に代わって出品者と交渉し、商品の返品を求めることができます。また、返金を要求することもあります。
Personal Shopper Japan shall refund to the customer the amount of the refund that Personal Shopper Japan receives from the seller as a result of the negotiations.
Personal Shopper Japanは、交渉の結果として出品者から受け取った返金額を顧客に返金します。
Personal Shopper Japan shall fulfill the item delivery process under the responsibility of the customer and in accordance with the customer’s instructions. Therefore, Personal Shopper Japan shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for information relating to export and import, such as the item name, item price, and item quantity written on the invoice, or for the tariff amount incurred on the basis of the said information, or measures such as import bans imposed by the destination country. The customer shall be liable for and pay all tariffs incurred upon the import of the items and taxes levied by the destination country.
Personal Shopper Japanは、顧客の責任および指示に従って、商品の配送手続きを行います。したがって、請求書に記載された商品名、商品価格、商品数量などの輸出入に関する情報や、これに基づく関税額、目的国による輸入禁止措置について、Personal Shopper Japanは一切の責任を負いません。顧客は、商品の輸入時に発生するすべての関税および目的国によって課される税金を負担し、支払うものとします。
Personal Shopper Japan reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. Personal Shopper Japan may modify the Terms of Service without any prior acceptance notice. If there are any changes to our privacy policy, we will announce that these changes have been made on our Home Page.
Personal Shopper Japanは、必要に応じてこれらの条件を変更する権利を留保し、サイトの継続利用はこれらの条件の変更に同意したものとみなされます。Personal Shopper Japanは、事前の通知なしに利用規約を変更することがあります。プライバシーポリシーに変更がある場合は、ホームページで変更を発表します。
Last modified on 16th May 2024
Previous version 3: 23rd March 2021
Previous version 2: 15th June 2015
Previous version 1: 17th April 2012
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Buy from any Japanese online stores, such as Amazon Japan, Rakuten, Yahoo Auction, Mercari, Rakuma. Buy with COD payment and bank wire transfer available.
Buy from any physical stores, including department stores in Japan, such as Mitsukoshi, Isetan, Takashimaya, Daimaru, etc.
And buy from events also possible.