Excellent and Invaluable Service!!

5 stars

Date: June 3, 2023


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • Excellent and Invaluable Service!!


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Seattle, WA, USA, Kyler


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Journey to Eggmanland and Sonic vs. Metal Sonic on VHS


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • I didn’t know where to find these rare items in their original Japanese VHS counterparts at least for collection purposes (they are incredibly rare, out of production, and expensive on DVD in The States as it is!) and searching online using an engine for them just could not produce any results. Luckily, though, it did produce results because it lead me to what I needed – a human being. Personal Shopper Japan provided the invaluable service of offering a non-commital order form where they offered to help you find that hard-to-find item that you are looking for. Well, they found me a Rental version of “Journey to Eggmanland” in fairly good condition and a Rental version of “Sonic VS. Metal Sonic” in good condition. Well, not only this but they listened to my request for the Retail versions and found a Retail version of Vol. 2 in even better condition, apparently sealed (I found out when it arrived)! I went ahead and gave them the “Go” to purchase these versions and payed the very modest fee for everything. I am incredibly happy that they were able to follow through and deliver on everything and also surprised that they were able to find these items at all! Now I want to collect their Retail and Rental version counterparts. I will definitely go through Personal Shopper Japan in the future! Thanks so much for your awesome and, again, invaluable services!!


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Mr.Kyler,Thank you for using our service and feedback.There’s many collectible items in Japan and it’s a treasure island for treasure hunters !We are happy to find what you are looking for and provide good shopping experience.And thank you for another request !we’ll process soon !Thank you very much,Ninja J


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Dear Ninja J san

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