Terima kasih banyak! 2

Date: January 16, 2023


Personal Shopper Japan proxy shopping service review title

  • Terima kasih banyak!


Where are you from, and what’s your name?

  • Jakarta Indonesia, Kurniadi S


What did you buy from Japan through our personal shopping service?

  • Yonex Japan


Please tell us about your experience with personal shopper service

  • Dear Ninja J san

    Proses pemesanan sangat mudah, bersahabat dan cepat.

    Setelah barang di pesan, proses pengiriman juga cepat, dan langsung dikirim melalui EMS.

    Pengiriman EMS dari Jepang sampai di Jakarta dalam jangka waktu 7 hari.

    Terima kasih banyak Personal Shopper Jepang!!

    Saya sangat puas dengan pelayanan dan pengiriman PSJ.

    Saya pasti akan melakukan pemesanan lagi jika ingin membeli barang dari Jepang di masa yang akan datang.


From Personal Shopper Japan

  • Mr.Kurniadi,Thank you for using our service and feedback !Yonex and other makers making good quality rackets, so we have many requests regarding badminton, table tennis, etc.Hope you like your item and we are looking forward to receive new request !Thank you,Ninja J


You can buy Luxury Brand Watches safely and ship securely through Personal Shopper Japan buying service.

Please let us know which item do you need, then we can send you the quote and you can start the secured shopping.

Customer Reviews

¡Un servicio excelente!

He usado este servicio para comprar un teclado japonés (PFU Happy Hacking).
Un trato excelente, y han sido muy …

Great service (10)

誠實可靠, 快捷方便, 其本上付款後就只需等兩三天就到手. 以後有要定期買的貨品會在這裡代買 …

Servicio incomparable

Segunda compra que efectuo a traves de PSJ. Excelente servicio, como es costumbre en ellos.
Mi pedido llego rapido y …

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